The two way radio is Big call button, simple and quick to use,Very small, lightweight, and simple. Popular for a variety of smaller footprint businesses,featured with 16 channels and rich features(EzPress PTT button & EzView Status LED);
Analog Walkie Talkies-Channel lock avoids accidental button changes;working out of the box with each others;
Easy to carry and simple to operate;provides adequate coverage in many environments and the size and weight can be a huge advantage
VOX can be opened directly through the walkie talkies; no programming required,Voice activated transmit function allows real hands free operation; adjusting the level according to the environment allows you to get the best audio quality;
High quality headphones-Better Interference Resist.ance,he is better than most of the walkie-talkie quality, specializing in GOCOM Business Walkie-Talkies